For many couples, divorce process becomes a drawn-out, expensive battle. However, this doesn't have to be the case.
Your relationship wih your child is likely one of the most important aspects of your life. You prioritize their safety and well-being above all.
Disputes regarding child support payments are one of the most common reasons for divorces going to court.
After a divorce, it is not uncommon for one person to pay the other spousal support (also known as alimony) for a limited period of time.
If you are a victim of domestic violence or abuse, get somewhere safe and contact the appropriate authorities, then contact a lawyer.
If you are a victim of domestic violence, you have several legal options to protect yourself from further abuse.
A marital settlement agreement, also known as a marital divorce agreement, outlines the legal terms of a divorce.
If your child has been charged with a crime, the situation must be taken seriously. Many parents are inclined to have their children admit their mistakes and deal with whatever consequences the juvenile justice system gives them.
Divorce and other family law-related issues can be complex, emotionally sensitive, and high-stakes for all involved parties. Divorce is a major life decision and the terms of your divorce could impact your finances, your relationship with your child, and more. Even if you and your ex-partner are working together to make decisions about assets and child custody in an uncontested divorce rather than fighting it out in court, it is beneficial to have a lawyer to guide you throughout the process and ensure that your interests are protected. With the help of attorney Alan K. Arden, you can make the process easier on yourself and your family. Mr. Arden will assist you and your spouse ensuring that both parties understand and agree to all aspects of the divorce. He is a versatile lawyer in Woodbridge, VA, who also practices personal injury and criminal defense law in Prince William County, VA and the surrounding areas.
A child custody dispute can be complicated and intense. Courts determine custody based on evidence that shows what situation would be in the child’s best interest. There is a long list of factors that courts consider, such as the roles and duties that each parent has been responsible for in the child’s life thus far. Mr. Arden will help you prepare for your custody hearing and represent you assertively to protect your parental rights.
If you’ve been accused of a crime in the Prince William County, VA area, contact the Law Office of Alan K. Arden today. Mr. Arden regularly defends clients in cases such as:
He can also help you petition for an expungement to have an arrest or conviction removed from your public records. When you contact his office, Mr. Arden will analyze all the facts of your case and utilize his extensive knowledge of the law to develop a strong defense. Call (703) 497-2510 or fill out our online contact form to request a consultation now from a qualified lawyer in Woodbridge, VA.
Very helpful and amazing personality
Positive: Quality
so nice...!
This man quite literally stepped in at one of the lowest points in my life and helped me fight against the odds. He is an angel and I'm proud to call him a friend too. He is a seasoned lawyer who knows the law and will passionately fight for you!
I watched him put a stop to a rookie lawyer who had tried to bully me in a custody case before I hired Alan to represent me. He shut down every smear attempt posed in the interrogatories and I had the utmost pleasure of witnessing him make this bottom feeder lawyer sweat at every appearance.
But most importantly, I won in the end and i couldn't have done it without him.
The Law office of Alan Arden was a VERY professional team. He was timely, accurate, honest, caring, respectful, considerate, hardworking, dependable, hardcharging, trustworthy, fair and so much more. If you need defense council you should look no further than this office. It was a privilege to have them and the results will prove themselves!
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